About the Founder

UR1 Professionals was founded in 2011 to serve behavioral healthcare facilities. Providing a unique set of resources for insurance billing services and to give personal attention to small-mid size facilities.

Debra Norton, President

Ms. Norton has worked in the field of chemical dependency for over 25 years and has held positions from Intake Coordinator, Quality Improvement Director, Executive Director to Chief Financial Officer. Owner/Founder of Outreach Services founded in 2003, assisting over 50,000 callers with placement. Her respect for those in need of a quality treatment centers opened her eyes to the need that facility’s had as well. Therefore, knowing so many mental health and addiction treatment centers, she began helping them navigate the insurance world so they could provide more services to the community she is so passionate about.

UR1 PROFESSIONALS, was envisioned and now a well-respected company with highly qualified staff in the field of Insurance Billing and Utilization Review. This company affords the ability to help so many more people get the services they need, and take the burden off the treatment centers, allowing them to better treat their clients. Her experience in the industry and financial background, clinical management and quality improvement specialist allows UR1 Professionals to continue to grow as a reputable insurance utilization review and billing organization.